Episode 13: The Sugar-Alcohol Connection
Today’s guest Laura Whitesel not only broke up with alcohol, she also broke up with sugar and is here to tell us the how and the why! Laura was four months alcohol-free when she realized she was not reaping the benefits of her alcohol-free life. She quickly recognized the sugary mocktails and the extra sweet treats as a pattern she had battled again and again. Armed with the tools from This Naked Mind, Laura found the work of Molly Carmel and joined ‘Breaking Up with Sugar’. She shares how she had to face the truth that sugar was a problem the same way alcohol was a problem. Now, after putting in the hard work, Laura enjoys the life she envisioned - unstoppable! Prepare to be inspired!
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The hidden book 2:05
Not going backwards 10:10
Avoiding unpleasant emotions 20:00
Choosing your ‘hard’ 28:15
You are not broken 35:00
Links/Resources Mentioned
Breaking Up with Sugar, by Molly Carmel
Learn more about RESTART, a 5 week sugar detox program